Tuesday, March 6, 2007


I just had to put this here.

Alvin: Hahaha... Wat a pathetic lie. I ran all the way to ur place. =p Think I did use it b4 too. Wahahaha... At least mine was more realistic, I WALKED in the direction of ur place. Think that seems a little more real. Kekeke... Guys r such liars but he's one poor liar man. Maybe u can recommend another book to him. "English for dummies" Hahahaha... Sorry, just can't help myself with this nonsense here. Glad that u had a great weekend. That should be the way weekends r. =)

Alvin: Hahaha... Damn, I thought he has this new blog add too. =p Anyway, he just sucked at gaining sympathy. Worst case, try gaining sympathy from a girl who doesn't feel anything towards u. Hahaha.
Bro, you are one funny dude man.

What do I have to give up in order to get peace and for people to leave me alone man.
What the fuck do you wan my address for now?